showed strong interest for Mathematics and Computer
Science early in life, and graduated as an ingénieur (M.Sc.) in
Telecommunications. He enjoyed a successful career as a researcher
in Mathematical Finance, quickly leading ‘quantitative research’
and ‘model validation’ teams in major investment banks. Later, he
became a trader in exotic equity-linked derivatives and a product development
lead. He also taught and mentored young graduates.
Enquiring into the Asian and European traditions of Philosophy and
Psychology since his teenage years, Denis also practises Aikido, Iaido,
Argentinian tango, Photography and Sculpting — all of which
provide opportunities to embody his meditative practice and
« respond freely to whatever arises in the moment. »
He later obtained a Master (M.A.) in Buddhist philosophy.
Whether as a friend, a manager, a mentor, or a banker surrounded by
‘wealthy-but-miserable’ colleagues, Denis had many opportunities
to see how craving and clinging endlessly fuel the existential suffering of
human beings. He started guiding people on taming their minds and
subsequently resigned from the corporate world to help and accompany people
on their spiritual path and personal growth (including ethically-responsible
professional growth).
Sharing Buddhist wisdom with individuals worldwide (from the U.S. to Japan) since 2011, in French or in English, as well as leading group retreats since 2015, Denis continues his own journey too, currently working on a Ph.D. on the notion of karma.
« We might as well be happy… since we're
here » But what is the right way to do so?